It is believed thatthe size of the head of the penisplays a major role in sexual contact.
Of course, having interviewed women, you can form the opposite opinion, but the size of the head does not become indifferent, but shifts into the background.
In cases where the head is much smaller than the trunk, it does not seem aesthetically pleasing and traumatizes the man, disrupting his psycho-emotional balance.
has developed several techniques to enlarge the head of the penis.
Studies have been conducted to measure the size of the penis in length, diameter, girth and volume. Statistics directly depend on how many participants were in the study, as well as on the individual characteristics and differences of different races.
The volume of theheadin a calm state on averagereaches 4 cm. If your own sizes do not differ from the average by more than 1. 5-2 cm, there is no sense in increasing the size.
Magnification from the point of view of male psychology
The psychological state of a man who is dissatisfied with the size of his penis or just the head is very shaky.
Complexes and experiences are formed, which become a constant stress factor and the general state of health is undermined.
Such a problem at the level of psychology becomes the basis for a physiological disorder in the form of a loss of potency.
How to enlarge the glans penis: the best ways
Often there is a situation in which a man is more satisfied with the size of his dignity, but his head seems to be insufficiently voluminous. In such a situation, his goal is not to enlarge the entire organ, but only to its part. Although there are also such men who believe that the size of the trunk does not matter, unlike the head part.
Any impact is aimed at increasing the entire penis, but there are a number of methods exclusively forchanging the size of the head. Among them:
- Operation;
- Exercises;
- Medicines;
- Gel;
- Massagers.
Before choosing a technique for enlarging the head of the penis, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
A specialist will select a method and determine how much a man needs an increase and how many centimeters he should add, as well as identify contraindications.

Surgery toenlargement of the glans peniscan be described using the example of a special matrix.
It is placed between the spongy bodies and the head itself, with the help of which the latter is enlarged.
This matrix acts as a “cushion” that allows it to stretch and enlarge smoothly. It is placed in a simple operation and requires only a small circular incision in the skin of the penis, which helps in facilitating the further postoperative period.
Exercises to enlarge thehead of the penisis a vivid example of folk methods. One of the most common options is milking. To begin with, the penis mustbe brought to a state of full erection.Then it is squeezed at the base with one hand and lightly, without pressing, so as not to cause painful sensations, is carried to the very head. Due to the pressure exerted and the increased blood flow, a gradual increase is also observed.
This is a great way to enlarge the head of the penis at home.
Medication augmentation is based on the use of hormonal drugs.
Most often these are tablets or pillsthat a man should take for at least a few months. But this option has many disadvantages and is rarely prescribed.
The downside is thecost of such drugs.
The purchase and use of any medications for the purpose of changing the volume of the penis should occur after the appointment of these drugs by a specialist, indicating the duration of use and dosage.
Injection of a specially made gel is also one of the operations for enlarging the glans penis.
The gel is based on hyaluronic acid, which is extremely popular in cosmetology and is safe for organ tissues.

After the introduction of this acid into the organ, its tissues becomeelasticand retain their natural shape.
The biggest drawback of this technique is its limitations. This is due to the fact thatthe use of the gel is necessary when the goal is to increase in a non-erect state. But the benefits of injections are much greater.
The procedure does not require large expenditures of its own time, because it lasts about half an hour.During the injection of the gel, local anesthesia is used, rather than general anesthesia, and it can also be performed on an outpatient basis.
The injection of such a sterile gel is not only safer, but also gives instant results. But this result does not last forever, so theprocedure must be repeated regularly.
Massagers such as an extender or a vacuum pump are also used toenlarge the glans of the penis.But usually they are needed to change the size of the entire organ, not just part of it. The advantage of this method isconvenience and simplicity.
Thanks to the vacuum pump, the size increases immediately before intercourse, which makes it advantageous in terms ofinstant effect.
However, the use of devices requires regularity. You should not expect an eternal increase from a vacuum pump,the effect will disappear in a few hours. Using an extender has a long-term but slow effect.
What results can be expected from different methods
In the case of matrix setting, it is not always possible to get the result.
Of course, the operation is simple and the man quickly recovers from it and they are satisfied with the quality result obtained.
But if rejection with inflammation began and the matrix was not removed from the organ on time. Then the man will develop suppuration, which can develop into gangrene and there will be no choice but to remove part of the organ. In addition, the matrix compresses some blood vessels, which becomes the basis for a decrease in erection.
In the case of exercise, men who have tried the milking technique reportthe results appear within 7 daysthe manipulation is repeated.
The results from the use of hormones become noticeable no earlier than 1. 5-2 months from the beginning of their intake. But due to the high risk of side effects,this method is not recommendedin most situations.
When injecting a gel, a man is most often satisfied with the result. After all, a part of the organ not only remains natural,, but also does not provoke a stressful state due to the absence of a long postoperative period.
Photo of enlarged penis head
Most of the situations when a man is looking for methods tohow to enlarge the head of the penisand thinks that he needs to do it are far-fetched and have no reason.